Sleep deprivation perpetuates a vicious cycle of excess stress hormones, reduced sleep-inducing melatonin and low growth hormone. Your hormonal state also influences your ability to sleep too. For instance, hormonal imbalances, such as low progesterone often associated with PMS or low serotonin common with depression, can lead to many frustrating nights of tossing and turning or repeating waking in wee morning hours.
Ask yourself these questions:
• Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow?
• Do you rely on an alarm to wake you up?
• Do you feel tired during the day?
• Do you tend to sleep more on the weekends?
If you answered yes to all of the above, you are probably sleep deprived.
The look, feel, temperature, lighting and sound in your bedroom can either help or hinder your sleep. Before you even hit the pillow, you have to make sure your space is set up to promote healthy sleep. Did you know it is best to sleep naked? Read more here.
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