KEY 3: Re-establish Healthy Bacterial Balance These days we are constantly bombarded by commercial messages urging us to fight germs and rid ourselves of bacteria. But in the right places and amounts, bacteria are actually very valuable to our health and wellness. These beneficial bacteria, also called probiotics, are found mostly in our digestive tract. […]
For some people spring means renewal, but for allergy sufferers it means sniffling, sneezing and watery eyes. Allergies — with symptoms ranging from sinus congestion and hay fever to asthma, dermatitis or hives — are a sign of impaired immune function. According to the Asthma Society of Canada, one in five Canadians suffer from respiratory allergies like […]
KEY 2: Reduce Bloating and Aid Nutrient Absorption by Replacing Enzymes or Acid Levels Commonly known as stomach acid, hydrochloric acid (HCL) is essential for proper functioning of your digestive system because it activates digestive enzymes that break down your food for absorption. Many vitamins and minerals need stomach acid for optimal absorption, including magnesium, […]