
Four Foundation Nutrients For Glucose Control, Muscle Mass and Insulin Balance

These four nutrients outlined below can help do wondrous things to your insulin receptors, in addition to many other beneficial metabolic effects. Amino acids from a viable protein source like whey, including L-carnitine, taurine and L-arginine, may also help to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. The benefits of these nutrients are most noticeable when supplements are taken […]

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Top Five Tips For Your 2024 Spring Clean

Why not spring clean your body right along with spring cleaning your home? It is a required “metabolic wake-up” after transitioning from winter, the season where our metabolism is naturally the slowest. Yes, it’s true, we are physiologically and mentally set-up for weight gain and lethargy in the winter due to a drop in thyroid hormone, […]

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Nutritional Ketosis: A Better Way to a Metabolic Reset

It is not necessary to eat a high-fat, moderate-protein, restricted-carb diet (one that includes only green vegetables) to get into ketosis. In fact, we can eat less or move more to get into ketosis—which is simply the state in which your body is burning fat, and you can test your ketones each morning with urinary Ketostix to ensure you are in ketosis. I suggest […]

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Is There Any Real Benefit To Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and Fresh Lemon Juice? 

by Natasha Turner Go All-in for Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)! According to a 2005 study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vinegar blunts blood sugar, and insulin increases and creates the sensation of fullness after a high-carbohydrate meal. The study, conducted at the Department of Nutrition at Arizona State University, found improved glucose and insulin profiles following meals […]

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Finally! Your Answer to The Age-Old Question: Is Thyroid Imbalance The Cause of Your Fatigue, Brain Fog, or Inability to Lose Weight?

We know that driving a car without gas in the tank is futile. Sure, you may last on fumes for a few miles, but in the end, it will be very difficult to get to your destination. Your thyroid is no different when it comes to weight loss. According to the Canadian Thyroid Association, an […]

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Key 7: The Relationship between Liver and Bowel Function

Read key 6 here Fiber consumption and bowel function are essential for maintaining a healthy, happy liver. The liver, you will recall, is the major detoxification and fat-burning organ in the body through a complex set of biochemical pathways. The liver pumps excess fat and waste products into the small intestines through bile. If your […]

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KEY 6: Eliminate the Bad Bugs in Belly

Read Key 5 here Antibiotics can disrupt our healthy bacterial balance by killing off our beneficial bacteria together with the bad, infection-causing bacteria, leaving the perfect environment for yeast and other harmful bacteria to grow and flourish. Harmful bacterial or yeast can also grow with use of the birth control pill, immune compromise, steroid medications, […]

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Key 5 Reduce Negative Effects of Stress on Digestion

Read Key 4 here Several nerves connect the nervous system of our digestive tract to the central nervoussystem (CNS) and, vice versa, the CNS to our GI tract. Through these cross connections, sensory information can be provided to the GI tract and CNS, and the CNS can affect our GI function. But remember what happens […]

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KEY 4: Resolve Inflammation and Poor Immunity by Repairing the Digestive Tract Wall

Read Key 3 The competency of the entire wall of the digestive tract is dependent upon healthy food choices, bacterial balance, sufficient enzymes and acid levels and inflammation control. An imbalance in any one of these important factors may result in an irritation of the digestive tract wall. When that happens, tiny holes may form, […]

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Seven Keys to Digestive Health Key 3

KEY 3: Re-establish Healthy Bacterial Balance These days we are constantly bombarded by commercial messages urging us to fight germs and rid ourselves of bacteria. But in the right places and amounts, bacteria are actually very valuable to our health and wellness. These beneficial bacteria, also called probiotics, are found mostly in our digestive tract. […]

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