
Five Tips for Better Health 2024

1. Add a high-quality protein powder to your daily regime According to a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (February 2024), increased dietary protein intake was associated with healthier aging Healthy aging was defined as being free from 11 major chronic diseases, having good mental health, and not having impairments in either cognitive or physical function,  In addition, the Journal […]

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Top Five Tips For Your 2024 Spring Clean

Why not spring clean your body right along with spring cleaning your home? It is a required “metabolic wake-up” after transitioning from winter, the season where our metabolism is naturally the slowest. Yes, it’s true, we are physiologically and mentally set-up for weight gain and lethargy in the winter due to a drop in thyroid hormone, […]

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Ten Updated Benefits of Marine Collagen

Did you know that our bodies’ ability to produce new collagen declines, and existing collagen begins to break down, as we age? The loss of collagen affects skin, joints, and bones and may also lead to increased digestive problems, weakened immune systems, and increased risk of chronic illness. Good news! Science has shown that collagen […]

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Your Skin Barrier and Five Solutions to Fix It

From celebrity-branded creams to bottles that promise miracle results, the media is a constant reminder of how fragile our skin is. However for anyone suffering from an inflammatory skin condition such as eczema, acne or rosacea knows that not all skin creams can prevent the boatload of stress on our bodies, resulting in a lack of confidence and negative effects. When […]

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Create Your Natural Sleep Prescription

Natasha Turner If sleep is an issue for you, the likely cause is low melatonin. Read the list below and count how many of the issues pertain to you: to bedtime TOTAL it up and Warning score: > 3 Melatonin is released from the pineal gland, and it regulates your 24-hour cycle. It normally increases […]

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Seven Keys to Digestive Health Key 3

KEY 3: Re-establish Healthy Bacterial Balance These days we are constantly bombarded by commercial messages urging us to fight germs and rid ourselves of bacteria. But in the right places and amounts, bacteria are actually very valuable to our health and wellness. These beneficial bacteria, also called probiotics, are found mostly in our digestive tract. […]

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