
Five Tips for Better Health 2024

1. Add a high-quality protein powder to your daily regime According to a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (February 2024), increased dietary protein intake was associated with healthier aging Healthy aging was defined as being free from 11 major chronic diseases, having good mental health, and not having impairments in either cognitive or physical function,  In addition, the Journal […]

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The Carb Sensitivity Program Top 13 Insulin-Sensitizing Super-foods

Patients always used to ask me if there was a magic supplement they could take to look younger, shed body fat, boost energy or improve their skin. Most are shocked to learn that the answer is food!  The right foods, at the right times and in the right quantities can have a dramatic effect on your appearance and overall […]

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The Rules of Fat-Loss

For decades, an endless stream of well-marketed diets and new-fangled exercise programs has been promising an easy path to a leaner, trimmer you. Every year, it seems, we are enticed simply to drop all “bad carbs” or to purchase the latest piece of home gym equipment and good health and happiness will surely be ours. […]

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Ten Updated Benefits of Marine Collagen

Did you know that our bodies’ ability to produce new collagen declines, and existing collagen begins to break down, as we age? The loss of collagen affects skin, joints, and bones and may also lead to increased digestive problems, weakened immune systems, and increased risk of chronic illness. Good news! Science has shown that collagen […]

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You may have seen the news over the past week about the recent (2023) study showing that a daily multivitamin is beneficial for people over 60 and can improve their memory. Read more about the study here.  We came up with this Top Ten list when researching formulas for the Clear Medicine High Potency Multivitamin Clear […]

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Nutritional Ketosis: A Better Way to a Metabolic Reset

It is not necessary to eat a high-fat, moderate-protein, restricted-carb diet (one that includes only green vegetables) to get into ketosis. In fact, we can eat less or move more to get into ketosis—which is simply the state in which your body is burning fat, and you can test your ketones each morning with urinary Ketostix to ensure you are in ketosis. I suggest […]

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Is There Any Real Benefit To Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and Fresh Lemon Juice? 

by Natasha Turner Go All-in for Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)! According to a 2005 study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vinegar blunts blood sugar, and insulin increases and creates the sensation of fullness after a high-carbohydrate meal. The study, conducted at the Department of Nutrition at Arizona State University, found improved glucose and insulin profiles following meals […]

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Six Ways to Eat More Cooked Veggies

Here are some ideas for getting in more cooked veggies (which can be consumed hot or cold). Cooked veggies add volume to meals without added calories. They also are high in fibre, which is beneficial as most of us are not consuming even close to the daily requirements of fibre. 1. Increase your veggie and […]

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Three Fresh Reasons to Have More Green Tea

1. It’s the ultimate chill pill. Well, for one thing, a hot drink on a cold day is extremely soothing. However, green tea also has L-theanine, an amino acid that works by increasing the production of GABA in the brain. Like the effects of meditation, it also stimulates alpha brainwaves naturally associated with deep states […]

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Finally! Your Answer to The Age-Old Question: Is Thyroid Imbalance The Cause of Your Fatigue, Brain Fog, or Inability to Lose Weight?

We know that driving a car without gas in the tank is futile. Sure, you may last on fumes for a few miles, but in the end, it will be very difficult to get to your destination. Your thyroid is no different when it comes to weight loss. According to the Canadian Thyroid Association, an […]

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