
Maintain Your Serotonin Status for Memory and Mental Health

Check off all that apply to you and total your score. PMS characterized by hypoglycemia, sugar cravings and/or depression   Feeling wired at night   Lack of sweating   Poor memory   Loss of libido   Depression, anxiety, irritability or seasonal affective disorder   Loss of motivation or competitive edge   Low self-esteem   Inability to make […]

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Top Five Tips For Your 2024 Spring Clean

Why not spring clean your body right along with spring cleaning your home? It is a required “metabolic wake-up” after transitioning from winter, the season where our metabolism is naturally the slowest. Yes, it’s true, we are physiologically and mentally set-up for weight gain and lethargy in the winter due to a drop in thyroid hormone, […]

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Boost Your Vitamin N – Yes, Nature!

Fitting in some nature, or vitamin N, may just be the secret to unlocking a better mood, faster metabolism, and stronger memory. Research has shown that early-morning cardio in a fasted state can burn up to 20 percent more calories; however, hitting the grass versus the treadmill provides several further benefits that may just surprise […]

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Longevity and Fat-Loss

We all aspire to live long and healthy lives and there are amazing examples of people doing just this in the Blue Zones. I have been reading about the Blue Zones for many years and recently watched the documentary series called Live to 100 – Secrets of the Blue Zones on Netflix. It is so […]

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Yoga: A Powerful Workout With Research Behind It For Strength, Insulin Balance and Antioxidant Protection

By New York Times Bestselling Author of The Hormone Diet Natasha Turner  From Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (January 2017), researchers found that 12 weeks of yoga slowed cellular aging as well as lowering inflammation and insulin and significantly decreasing cortisol. The study also found higher levels of BDNF (a neuroprotective compound) after the yoga program, suggesting that yoga could have […]

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Is Detoxing Really Necessary

Over 80,000 industrial chemicals have been developed in the past 75 years, including heavy metals, solvents, phthalates, polychlorinated bisphenols and organophosphates. I find this number mind- blowing! Surely the knowledge of this statistic makes gentle support of our kidneys, liver and digestive system – the three main organs that support the removal of these harmful […]

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Yoga: Your Body Will Love You For it With Your Weight Training

Natasha Turner My loyal readers and patients know my number one workout passion is lifting weights. However, years of weightlifting and running, especially without proper stretching, can shorten tendons and cause stiffness, misalignment, and joint and back pain. With its full spectrum of poses, yoga can bring the body back into its natural alignment, level […]

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Three Fresh Reasons to Have More Green Tea

1. It’s the ultimate chill pill. Well, for one thing, a hot drink on a cold day is extremely soothing. However, green tea also has L-theanine, an amino acid that works by increasing the production of GABA in the brain. Like the effects of meditation, it also stimulates alpha brainwaves naturally associated with deep states […]

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Forest Bathing and Nature’s Benefits

Fitting in some nature, or vitamin N, may just be the secret to unlocking a better mood, faster metabolism and stronger memory. Poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau said, “Why, nature is but another name for health.” Research has shown that early-morning cardio in a fasted state can burn up to 20 percent more calories; […]

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How’s your Mood?

We thought it would be a good time to chat about mood and share this excerpt from Natasha Turner’s bestselling book The Hormone Diet which you can purchase on Amazon (Canada) or USA Amazon. We also have included a mood quiz at the end to figure out if you are low in serotonin, GABA or […]

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