
The Carb Sensitivity Program Top 13 Insulin-Sensitizing Super-foods

Patients always used to ask me if there was a magic supplement they could take to look younger, shed body fat, boost energy or improve their skin. Most are shocked to learn that the answer is food!  The right foods, at the right times and in the right quantities can have a dramatic effect on your appearance and overall […]

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The Rules of Fat-Loss

For decades, an endless stream of well-marketed diets and new-fangled exercise programs has been promising an easy path to a leaner, trimmer you. Every year, it seems, we are enticed simply to drop all “bad carbs” or to purchase the latest piece of home gym equipment and good health and happiness will surely be ours. […]

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Are you a hotbed of inflammation?

By Natasha Turner Do this quick inflammation test to see if you’re a hotbed of inflammation. Check all that apply to you and total your score. Anything greater than 11 should be a warning to change some of your lifestyle. Sagging, thinning skin or wrinkling   Spider veins or varicose veins   Cellulite   Eczema, […]

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Supplements for Longevity

Longevity is a trendy phrase coined by health enthusiasts that refers to the quality of life as we age. We can all agree that no one wants to spend their later years on earth confined to bed. Living as long as possible, therefore, really isn’t the goal. Instead, those who are interested in promoting a longer health span wish to […]

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Ten Updated Benefits of Marine Collagen

Did you know that our bodies’ ability to produce new collagen declines, and existing collagen begins to break down, as we age? The loss of collagen affects skin, joints, and bones and may also lead to increased digestive problems, weakened immune systems, and increased risk of chronic illness. Good news! Science has shown that collagen […]

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Nutritional Ketosis: A Better Way to a Metabolic Reset

It is not necessary to eat a high-fat, moderate-protein, restricted-carb diet (one that includes only green vegetables) to get into ketosis. In fact, we can eat less or move more to get into ketosis—which is simply the state in which your body is burning fat, and you can test your ketones each morning with urinary Ketostix to ensure you are in ketosis. I suggest […]

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Three Easy Metabolic Fixes From Your Spice Rack!

By Natasha Turner 1. Mix Things Up with Various Spices It turns out that your favourite spice mix not only helps your food taste better, it can also reduce your waistline. According to the Journal of Medicinal Food (2005), a food seasoning/spice mixture improves glucose metabolism and lipid profile in fructose-fed, induced-hyperinsulinemic, rats. Treatment with these spices significantly reduced plasma […]

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Prepare Now For a Fall Reset!

Suggested Essentials For a Successful Fall Re-set Summer is almost over and most of us are now thinking about a Fall re-set. Stocking the pantry doesn’t have to be an overwhelming prospect. Here’s a list of the essential items you need to start to plan for dietary success this Fall and healthy foods to stock up on when you’re […]

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Three Fresh Reasons to Have More Green Tea

1. It’s the ultimate chill pill. Well, for one thing, a hot drink on a cold day is extremely soothing. However, green tea also has L-theanine, an amino acid that works by increasing the production of GABA in the brain. Like the effects of meditation, it also stimulates alpha brainwaves naturally associated with deep states […]

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Finally! Your Answer to The Age-Old Question: Is Thyroid Imbalance The Cause of Your Fatigue, Brain Fog, or Inability to Lose Weight?

We know that driving a car without gas in the tank is futile. Sure, you may last on fumes for a few miles, but in the end, it will be very difficult to get to your destination. Your thyroid is no different when it comes to weight loss. According to the Canadian Thyroid Association, an […]

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