
Four Foundation Nutrients For Glucose Control, Muscle Mass and Insulin Balance

These four nutrients outlined below can help do wondrous things to your insulin receptors, in addition to many other beneficial metabolic effects. Amino acids from a viable protein source like whey, including L-carnitine, taurine and L-arginine, may also help to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. The benefits of these nutrients are most noticeable when supplements are taken […]

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Top Five Tips For Your 2024 Spring Clean

Why not spring clean your body right along with spring cleaning your home? It is a required “metabolic wake-up” after transitioning from winter, the season where our metabolism is naturally the slowest. Yes, it’s true, we are physiologically and mentally set-up for weight gain and lethargy in the winter due to a drop in thyroid hormone, […]

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Boost Your Vitamin N – Yes, Nature!

Fitting in some nature, or vitamin N, may just be the secret to unlocking a better mood, faster metabolism, and stronger memory. Research has shown that early-morning cardio in a fasted state can burn up to 20 percent more calories; however, hitting the grass versus the treadmill provides several further benefits that may just surprise […]

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Spicy Black Bean Soup

Hot and spicy foods get your metabolism revving. The added bonus in this soup is the black beans healthy and vegetarian protein boost. They pack 15 grams of protein into 1 cup! The addition of the sweet potato helps this become a hearty, satisfying soup that will help you to feel full longer. Choose to eat this in […]

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Adrenal Fatigue: Don’t Rush Your New Year’s Resolutions With The Wrong Workouts

Generally, cortisol follows a natural healthy pattern of release that looks like this: It’s highest first thing in the morning, which allows you to get up, feel energized, and get going with your day. It remains elevated, gradually declining until the evening, which allows you to have the ability to respond and adapt to any perceived […]

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Yoga: A Powerful Workout With Research Behind It For Strength, Insulin Balance and Antioxidant Protection

By New York Times Bestselling Author of The Hormone Diet Natasha Turner  From Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (January 2017), researchers found that 12 weeks of yoga slowed cellular aging as well as lowering inflammation and insulin and significantly decreasing cortisol. The study also found higher levels of BDNF (a neuroprotective compound) after the yoga program, suggesting that yoga could have […]

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Three Easy Metabolic Fixes From Your Spice Rack!

By Natasha Turner 1. Mix Things Up with Various Spices It turns out that your favourite spice mix not only helps your food taste better, it can also reduce your waistline. According to the Journal of Medicinal Food (2005), a food seasoning/spice mixture improves glucose metabolism and lipid profile in fructose-fed, induced-hyperinsulinemic, rats. Treatment with these spices significantly reduced plasma […]

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Is Detoxing Really Necessary

Over 80,000 industrial chemicals have been developed in the past 75 years, including heavy metals, solvents, phthalates, polychlorinated bisphenols and organophosphates. I find this number mind- blowing! Surely the knowledge of this statistic makes gentle support of our kidneys, liver and digestive system – the three main organs that support the removal of these harmful […]

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Three Fresh Reasons to Have More Green Tea

1. It’s the ultimate chill pill. Well, for one thing, a hot drink on a cold day is extremely soothing. However, green tea also has L-theanine, an amino acid that works by increasing the production of GABA in the brain. Like the effects of meditation, it also stimulates alpha brainwaves naturally associated with deep states […]

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Finally! Your Answer to The Age-Old Question: Is Thyroid Imbalance The Cause of Your Fatigue, Brain Fog, or Inability to Lose Weight?

We know that driving a car without gas in the tank is futile. Sure, you may last on fumes for a few miles, but in the end, it will be very difficult to get to your destination. Your thyroid is no different when it comes to weight loss. According to the Canadian Thyroid Association, an […]

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