
Maintain Your Serotonin Status for Memory and Mental Health

Check off all that apply to you and total your score. PMS characterized by hypoglycemia, sugar cravings and/or depression   Feeling wired at night   Lack of sweating   Poor memory   Loss of libido   Depression, anxiety, irritability or seasonal affective disorder   Loss of motivation or competitive edge   Low self-esteem   Inability to make […]

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Ten Updated Benefits of Marine Collagen

Did you know that our bodies’ ability to produce new collagen declines, and existing collagen begins to break down, as we age? The loss of collagen affects skin, joints, and bones and may also lead to increased digestive problems, weakened immune systems, and increased risk of chronic illness. Good news! Science has shown that collagen […]

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Adrenal Fatigue: Don’t Rush Your New Year’s Resolutions With The Wrong Workouts

Generally, cortisol follows a natural healthy pattern of release that looks like this: It’s highest first thing in the morning, which allows you to get up, feel energized, and get going with your day. It remains elevated, gradually declining until the evening, which allows you to have the ability to respond and adapt to any perceived […]

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18 Ways to Beat Stress and Slim Your Waistline

New York Times Bestselling Author Natasha Turner  Stress packs on the pounds and it does it by increasing your appetite for comfort foods, the potential to store fat from consumed carbs, suppressing your thyroid hormone (the master of your metabolic rate), and disrupting your sleep – an established cause of weight gain.  What’s more, according to […]

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How Stress Sabotages Sleep

By Natasha Turner If you’re not getting enough shut-eye, you’re certainly not alone. Since 1999, the National Sleep Foundation has conducted annual, nationwide polls on sleep habits and attitudes toward sleep. The first of these polls revealed that only 35% of adults sleep the minimum eight hours a night recommended by sleep experts. Fast forward […]

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Yoga: Your Body Will Love You For it With Your Weight Training

Natasha Turner My loyal readers and patients know my number one workout passion is lifting weights. However, years of weightlifting and running, especially without proper stretching, can shorten tendons and cause stiffness, misalignment, and joint and back pain. With its full spectrum of poses, yoga can bring the body back into its natural alignment, level […]

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Create Your Natural Sleep Prescription

Natasha Turner If sleep is an issue for you, the likely cause is low melatonin. Read the list below and count how many of the issues pertain to you: to bedtime TOTAL it up and Warning score: > 3 Melatonin is released from the pineal gland, and it regulates your 24-hour cycle. It normally increases […]

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Finally! Your Answer to The Age-Old Question: Is Thyroid Imbalance The Cause of Your Fatigue, Brain Fog, or Inability to Lose Weight?

We know that driving a car without gas in the tank is futile. Sure, you may last on fumes for a few miles, but in the end, it will be very difficult to get to your destination. Your thyroid is no different when it comes to weight loss. According to the Canadian Thyroid Association, an […]

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Forest Bathing and Nature’s Benefits

Fitting in some nature, or vitamin N, may just be the secret to unlocking a better mood, faster metabolism and stronger memory. Poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau said, “Why, nature is but another name for health.” Research has shown that early-morning cardio in a fasted state can burn up to 20 percent more calories; […]

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Health Benefits of Herbal Medicine For Harmful Effects of Stress

Through a complicated network of hormonal interactions, prolonged stress results in a raging appetite, metabolic decline, loads of belly fat, and a loss of hard-won, metabolically active muscle tissue. In other words, stress makes us soft, flabby, and much older than we truly are! According to Mary Dallman, a professor of physiology at the University […]

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